Friday, April 20, 2007

A Phone Call


Realised that my mobile phone is vibrating.
Thought to myself, "HHmmmm ..... this number has been on my phone before as a miss call. Wonder which pesky bank, health spa place is calling again."

Me: "Hello?"

Sales Person: "Hello! Is this Miss Audrey See?"

Me: "Yes, speaking"

SP: "Oh, I'm calling from XXX Studio, Blah Blah Blah ..... yadi dah.......!, we are interested in inviting you down for a free makeover photo shoot."

Me: "It's ok, i'm not free. I just gave birth, don't think i'll have the time."

SP: "Oh ..... so sorry. It's okay then. Thank You! Have a nice day!"


Me: *???!!!!!!!*


What does she mean by "So Sorry."?????
what is there to be sorry about me giving birth?!

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