Thursday, June 21, 2007


Sigh... Another dreadful time for me.
It's time for my IPPT test, one of my nemeses, as I have only passed once ever since I left army!

So when its time, I dragged myself to Maju Camp for my test. After going through the "security" check which basically checked if your mobile phone has a camera (*nevermind the bomb in the boot*), I was able to enter into the camp and in-process for the IPPT test.

Soon, the impending doom looms. We proceed to the multi-purpose hall for the test. It turns out that there is a new system in place. All IPPT stations are replaced by machine (with PTIs supervising, of course) and you are able to choose which station to go first!!

So I started out with Shuttle run as its the nearest to me, that was a piece of cake. :) Next was standing broad jump which sadly, I can only managed a pass (too much fat to lug). Then my first hurdle, the chin-up bar. Surprisingly, I managed to pass the chin-up! That really boosted my morale. So I proceed to my last station which is the sit-up. I was fairly confident that I was able to get high score but I was disappointed. Guess my tummy really grow over time. Nevertheless, I managed to pass but not the desired result.

Now, its judgement time. Its the 2.4Km run. After sitting around, doing some stretching, its finally time for the run. I started the run with this older guy ahead of me, so I decided to run behind him. After 1 lap, I was still behind him and doing good time... took me under 4mins to do one run (3 laps in total). When I enter the second lap, I can feel all the fatigue setting in, my steps are getting smaller and feels alot heavier... and still, I am behind this older guy... Starting the third lap, my eyes are getting blurry and I am grasping for air but I told myself, this the final lap and push and push.... and this is the result....

I passed!!! Woohoo!! No more IPPT test until next birthday.
Doh! That's just a few days away! Sigh. Guess I will be back in Maju camp soon enough.

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