Thursday, November 26, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Callum & Emerlyn
Nicolas and Shirley with 14mths old Emerlyn came and visit us today! Callum displayed some new behaviour, he wanted to stand beside Emerlyn, something which he never do with others (not even his parents).
Emerlyn and Callum also hugged each other, something which Emerlyn has never do. Alot of first today!
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3:14 PM
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Thanks Great World!
3 Months have come and gone just like that ........... still remember the first day we set up shop at Great World. With much sadness after tons of fun and laughter with our new found friends, we have decided to pack up and move to else where.
As promised in my previous post, the little secret that i have been keeping, we have found a little shop space to call our own at Holland Village!! We feel like new parents all over again. Hopes that we have for this little space of ours, stuff that we aspire to do with it. More on that in another post.
But for now, a little tribute to the following people who made our 3 months at Great World a blast!
Posted by
2:47 AM
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Happy New Year
Gosh! Has it been a year already?!
After realising that another year has passed, i got to thinking and got a set of mixed emotions embracing the new year. I have to admit that so much has happened in 2007 for me.
1) Pat & me moved out of my in-law's place
2) Baby Callum came along
3) I started a business with Pat
4) I learnt the hard way that Pat and Baby Callum are the most important things in my life.
(Simply because they are the only people there when i'm down and out, they have seen me in my ugliest days. Despite all that, they still love me for me)
5) I had my first full body health screening. Do not take your health for granted! (Nerve wrecking is an understatement. Losing sleeping thinking of what my report brings. Thank goodness i am medically certified HEALTHY! :))
I hope for Forward, Positivity, Good Health and Happiness in the new year.
I need to have more guts to speak my mind and make myself heard and be more patient with Pat and Baby Callum.
Good Luck and Good Health People!
Remember: Love The Earth, There Is Only One.
Posted by
5:13 PM
Labels: Misc
Monday, December 17, 2007
Something Exciting!
Hi Everybody!
Been awhile since we last posted something on the blog.
(Hey come on! Not like it has never happened before.)
In a flash, it's coming to 2 months since our first day here at Great World City.
It has been tiring (especially for baby Callum) and a trying experience.
The mad rush to get everyone out of the house in the morning, the whole family getting stomach flu along the way and recovered and long hours stuck at Great World City and falling sick AGAIN and recovered.
Nice to see some familiar faces during our time there. Really appreciate your time and support cos it just perks up the dull moments there at the pushcart. For those of you peeps who have not made your way down (you know who you are!) you have another month to do so.
We will be extending our time at Great World City for one last month till the end of January.
Then something exciting happening for Pat and me! :)
More of that in the next post (hopefully soon .... *keeping fingers crossed*)
Remember people: LOVE THE EARTH!
P/s: I'm not pregnant! Just in case some of you are wondering .....
Posted by
4:51 PM
Monday, December 3, 2007
Old Aston Martin
Spotted this old Aston Martin at Tan Boon Liat Building, the road towards Great World City. Very nice car but it looks like its being abandon, if not, definitely neglected. Such a waste.
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3:00 PM
Labels: Cars
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Happy First Birthday!
Our Birthday Boy.
(Technically turning 1 tomorrow)
As we are also celebrating Audrey's Grandma (which she brought forward so that we can celebrate together), we split Callum's birthday celebration into 2 sessions. The first was at Zenden, Gallery Hotel. Unfortunately, Callum fell asleep before his cake cutting, so we use a brownie as make-shift cake (when he woke).
Posted by
4:06 AM
Labels: Callum Xavier